New Short Story!

I’m so excited to have my short story ‘Fruit of the Earth’ featured in the new Sans. PRESS anthology, The Garden! I’ve been writing for a few years now, but this is actually the first story I’ve had in print, so it was amazing to attend the launch at Chapters in Dublin yesterday and see the finished product on the shelf. And it’s so pretty!!

The cover artwork by Laura Kavanagh is stunning—it was actually my original inspiration for the story, a dark tale of sibling rivalry in a fantastical setting.

There will be another book launch at Milseán Market in Limerick on November  23rd, but the anthology can also be purchased directly from the publisher here:

This has been the highlight of a really good year for me. A few months ago, I received an Agility Award from the Arts Council, which allowed me to take some time to focus on my novel and attend a writing retreat at Notre Dame Kylemore (which was amazing, I would absolutely recommend this!).

All the same, the day-to-day of writing life hasn’t changed—it’s still me sitting down with my laptop every day, writing words, drinking too much coffee, and getting mostly rejections if I’m honest 😅 So to any fellow emerging authors out there waiting for their first acceptance, just keep doing what you’re doing! Persistence for the win.


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